Tuesday, Sept. 27
Registration Desk Open
Power Session #1 - Incognito Number Intelligence: How Back-End Data is Empowering Better Decisions
In a world where consumers have a seemingly endless Rolodex of communications channels to choose from, the endurance of Toll-Free and local 10-digit phone numbers continually transcends expectations. As the volume of information that our phone numbers provide deepens, however, so too does the critical need to protect the integrity of said numbers. In this session, Fenton Bard, Commercial Director at XConnect, will help you understand how the information behind a phone number is just as important as – if not in some cases, MORE important than – the number itself. From understanding a number’s critical details – such as what network it belongs to, when it was last ported to a new network and/or whether it’s active and reachable – to enabling invaluable fraud protection, Fenton will demonstrate how trusted telephone number intelligence is driving increased Strength in Numbers!
Fenton Bard, XConnectPower Session #2 – Exploring Opportunities in the Toll-Free Market
Toll-Free Exchange hosts this interactive look at the various opportunities we have to future proof our Toll-Free Numbers. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to discuss hot topics including: Enterprise Identity Management: What impacts do we need to prepare for?; Combating Fraud: What does this mean for our industry and what can we do to protect these trusted assets?; Access Reform: What are the expected and unexpected opportunities and challenges?; Marketplace Competition: How will new technology, like SMS, affect Toll-Free?
David Aldworth, TeliaxSponsors:

Power Session #3 – Understanding the Role of Stir/Shaken in Toll-Free
Most of us can agree that the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN framework undoubtedly provided a major shift in how we cultivate trusted connections between consumers, businesses and community. During this sponsored POWER Session, industry experts from ANI Networks, Incomm and Evolve Transformative converge to discuss life after the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN. From hurdles to high points, they’ll share both their experiences as well as their lessons learned and best practices. Whether you’re interested in learning more about effective fraud prevention measures, the importance of “Know Your Customer” or beyond, this session will provide insight into the evolution of illegal robocall mitigation and what we can expect to see in the future.
Power Session #4 - The Next Evolution of Somos’ Fraud Program: Providing an “Easy Button” for Resp Orgs
As telecom continues to evolve and innovate, it’s more critical than ever that as an industry, we work collaboratively to keep our valuable numbering assets safe, secure and trustworthy. From implementing more advanced fraud prevention controls to providing education and advocacy to researching and developing new solutions, Somos – with the help of fellow industry fraud fighters – has worked overtime to ensure that trust is a staple part of telephony. Join Somos’ Joel Bernstein, VP of Regulatory and Public Policy, and Catherine Palcic, Manager, Corporate Risk and Compliance, as they explore the next evolution of “Making Toll-Free Fraud Free.” During this session, Joel and Catherine will provide a sneak peek at our Fraud Program 2.0 – including the introduction of an all-new tool that provides
Welcome Reception
Wednesday, Sept. 28
Registration Desk Open
Networking Breakfast
CEO Keynote – The Value of Phone Numbers is Changing (Not That There’s Anything Wrong with That)
In an iconic, 1998 episode of the sitcom Seinfeld, the character Elaine Benes famously tried to “steal” a 212-area code phone number. To her, the area code wasn’t a comment on her physical geography, but rather, a way to identify herself as a Native New Yorker. While nearly 25 years later, phone numbers still act as identifiers, in today’s hyper-digitalized world – one where geography and area codes are no longer mutually exclusive – phone numbers are influencing a much more significant (and complex) part of one’s identity – their digital identity. In thinking about the future, and how things may look in another 25 years, what role will phone numbers play? Will they still provide a strong foundation for our digital identities? During her keynote, Gina Perini, CEO & Chair of the Board at Somos, looks to answer these questions through an exploration of what “Strength in Numbers” means today, as well as what must happen to “Strength-en Numbers” going forward. Specifically, she’ll focus on how, together as an industry, it’s mission-critical that we not only increase trust in numbering, but also safeguard the security and integrity of our digital identities.
Gina Perini, SomosKeynote: One Ring to Rule Them All: Digital Identity, Number Identifiers and the Future
Unfortunately, it doesn’t take X-Ray vision to see that the fantasy of a world in which our digital identities are protected from villains and other ill-doers is long bygone. Luckily for consumers, businesses and service providers, there is good in this world and it’s worth fighting for – ESPECIALLY for those of us in the telecom industry! During his keynote presentation, Richard Bird will take 2022 Somos Summit attendees on an unexpected journey through the history of our rapidly evolving technology-based and data-driven economy and society. In addition, he’ll explore the great power – and great responsibility! – that telephone number providers need to be aware of as it relates to safety, security, privacy and customer care. In a world where everyone is racing to be the leader in digital identity protection, join Richard Bird in the quest to unite our efforts across industries and verticals!
Richard BirdMorning Networking Break
What’s Happening in Washington D.C. - FCC Fireside Chat Part One
From finding and prosecuting robocallers and Toll-Free traffic pumpers to fixing access to technology to funding the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, throughout the past year, the FCC has worked tirelessly to promote a trusted, efficient and equitable communication’s ecosystem. Ann Berkowitz, SVP & Chief Administrative Officer – Strategic Public Policy & Number Administration at Somos, and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Geoffrey Starks sit-down for a thoughtful conversation around the initiatives that are ensuring that, coast to coast, modern communication’s technology is empowering, inspiring and forward-thinking.
Ann Berkowitz, SomosWhat’s Happening in Washington D.C. - FCC Fireside Chat Part Two
Protecting the integrity of telephony, ensuring the safety of consumers and holding robocallers, spoofers and scammers accountable are all chief priorities at the FCC. From proposing historical fines against Toll-Free traffic pumpers to designating 988 as a nationwide 3-digit number for suicide prevention support, the FCC continues to champion initiatives that put consumers first. In her second of two conversations with FCC policy makers, Ann Berkowitz, SVP & Chief Administrative Officer – Strategic Public Policy & Number Administration at Somos, is joined by FCC Chief, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Pamela Arluk for a meaningful perspective on current events from the regulatory viewpoint.
Ann Berkowitz, Somos“The Main Event” Coming Together to Combat Fraud
While the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN scored a major KO for consumers, carriers and enterprises alike, it was only the first of many rounds in the match-up of the century – Industry Fraud Fighters vs. Spoofers and Scammers. As the fight moves forward however, and the action continues to unfold, what is the industry doing to prepare for the next bout against its robocaller opponents? Join Justen Davis, Senior Director, Industry Relations & Public Policy at Somos, and a panel of industry thought leaders for a blow-by-blow account of what’s next for authentication enablement as well as what you can expect to see in fraud mitigation parts two, three, four and beyond. From how STIR/SHAKEN impacts U.S. telecom providers to what’s driving trust on a more global scale, this session is certain to pack a major one-two-punch against fraud!
Justen Davis, SomosNetworking Lunch
Please join us for at Lunch, sponsored by CareCloud

The Digital Identity Files: How to Deliver Assurance and Authentication in a World that Trusts No One
The Truth is Out There: Consumers are using mobile devices more than ever to engage with their favorite brands. Unfortunately, however, as our digital footprints broaden, the range of opportunities to impersonate, spoof and even STEAL the attributes that make-up our online personas are likewise expanding at a supernatural rate. Knowing this, what can we do to both protect our valuable numbering assets as well as ensure that our digital identities aren’t invaded by alien (or otherwise unknown) scammers and robocallers? Join Jaime Zetterstrom, Vice President, Product Management, at Somos, and a panel industry change agents as they probe the momentum around digital identity and investigate the role phone numbers play in establishing trust in a hyper-digitalized, skeptic world.
To Infinity and Beyond – Business Messaging Today, Tomorrow and Lightyears into the Future
According to Gartner, “SMS open and response rates [are] as high as 98% and 45%, respectively – in contrast to corresponding figures of 20% and 6% for email.” With such exceptional stats, it’s like no surprise that more and more organizations are adopting automated business messaging AKA Application-to-Person (A2P messaging). However, with the innovation, ingenuity and enterprise that A2P brings to the table, it also has its own collection of challenges, complexities and costs – all of which require careful consideration. Join Dave Stewart, SVP & Chief Business Development Officer, at Somos, and a panel of SMS authorities as they discuss their roles in the business messaging space and best practices for successfully connecting businesses with their customers through messaging. From what’s working to what needs improvement to what the future holds, they’ll explore how strength in numbers – and especially TEXT ENABLED numbers – can improve engagement, experience and, ultimately, earnings.
David Stewart, SomosAfternoon Networking Break
Don’t Stop Believin’…. In Innovation Built on Trust!
To say that phone numbers have experienced quite the journey in the last few years is an understatement! Thanks to advancements in innovation, technology and telecommunications, Toll-Free and local 10-digit numbers alike have faithfully evolved past their singular role as communications channels and since transformed into multi-faceted data assets, digital identifiers and information repositories. Whether you’re looking to reduce fraud, enhance brand identity, modernize your customer engagement or all the above – hold tight! – the Strength of Numbers goes on and on and on and on!
Ryan Karnas, SomosSomos Industry Awards
Knowledge Bar & Networking
Breakout Session #1: Welcome to Life on the D-List: RealNumber® DNO Closes the Curtain on Bad Actors
While there are numerous Do Not Originate (DNO) lists vying for a lead role, there’s only one list whose calling card includes data direct from the trusted administrator of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) and the Toll-Free Number Registry (TFNRegistry™) – RealNumber® DNO! Join Kyle Belcher, Senior Product Manager at Somos, as he demonstrates firsthand how RealNumber DNO’s dataset of over 6B Toll-Free and 10-digit local numbers provides a powerful solution that Gateway Providers and U.S.-based operators can leverage to identify calls that originate from invalid, unallocated and/or unused numbers.
Kyle Belcher, SomosBreakout Session #2: The Digital Identity Files Go GLOBAL: “Attributing” their Role on a World-Wide Scale
Earlier today, Jaime Zetterstrom, Vice President, Product Management, at Somos, and a panel industry change agents discussed both the momentum around digital identity as well as the role phone numbers play in establishing trust. From defining authoritative attributes, authentication and delivery to the dangers associated with having one’s identity spoofed or stolen, the group analyzed the significance of digital identity on a continental basis. But what about what’s happening with digital identity beyond your backyard? During this break-out session, moderator Bill LaRuffa, Director, Business Development at Somos, and a panel of experts travel around the world to help you gain some global digital identity bearing. Not only will you learn more about what’s happening on an intercontinental basis, but you will also find out more about digital identity in e-commerce, the mobile ecosystem and beyond.
Bill LaRuffa, SomosBreakout Session #3: Breaking New Ground: Innovative Uses for Numbers
Throughout the years, phone numbers have evolved way past their original role of empowering voice conversations between friends, family, peers and more. From Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) applications to marketing analytics tracking and beyond, there is a wide range of ways that today’s 10-digit and Toll-Free phone numbers are being leveraged to build trust, improve engagement and create meaningful, authentic connections. During this session – hosted by Somos’ Joel Bernstein, VP of Regulatory and Public Policy – a panel of telecom industry experts will share some of the most innovative phone number use cases that they’re seen and/or experienced. Whether you’re interested in discovering how-to facilitate more dynamic dialogues, personalize the consumer journey or all of the above and more, this session will show providers and end users alike why our 10-digit and Toll-Free phone numbers are the communications channel G.O.A.T.