
Toll-Free Numbers Are 42 Million Strong!

42 Million Toll-Free NumbersMore than 42 million Toll-Free Numbers are facilitating meaningful exchange — are you part of the conversation?

Since their introduction in the mid-1960s, Toll-Free Numbers have connected people within North America. In today’s era of unlimited voice minutes and internet-based chat apps, not only are Toll-Free Numbers enduring, their use is growing! In fact, Toll-Free recently hit a new milestone — more than 42 MILLION Toll-Free Numbers are now in use throughout the U.S., Canada and parts of the Caribbean. That represents an almost 40% increase over the past decade alone.

Unlike many technologies born around the same time, Toll-Free Numbers continue to operate in their original form, empowering more intimate and trusted interconnections between brands, consumers and communities. However, Toll-Free numbers have also gained new capabilities. Modern businesses have come to recognize that Toll-Free Numbers can be much more than simple phone numbers; they are powerful tools that can be leveraged to drive sales, improve marketing and create a differentiated brand experience.

Toll-Free Numbers are more powerful than ever and remain a critical link to a company’s most valuable customers. When customers dial in, they often have a complex problem or question that can be answered only by speaking with another human. When phone calls are part of a business’s marketing strategy, companies are better able to attract engaged customers, build a relationship through person-to-person conversation and drive sales.

With the opening of the 833 Toll-Free area code in 2017 – taking the total number of available Toll-Free area codes up to seven – it’s clear that Toll-Free Numbers continue to be a premier platform for customers and businesses to connect, innovate and grow with confidence

To learn more about the potential of Toll-Free numbers for business, visit Toll-Free University:

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