Help Center

Welcome to the Help Center!

Thank you for visiting the Somos Virtual Help Center! Here you can get the quick answers you need to common questions when you explore our FAQ section. Additionally, you’ll have access to valuable resources that can help you navigate the TFNRegistry™, TSSRegistry™, and more. Start making the most of your Toll-Free user experience now!   


General Voice Messaging Data
Who is Somos?

Somos is a global provider of telephone number and identity information services. Somos works to protect the trust between enterprises and consumers when they communicate via toll-free, local and wireless numbers. Whether it’s through the management of national and international registries like the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), Toll-Free Numbers (TFNA) and the Reassigned Numbers Database (RND), or through our robust set of anti-fraud solutions, Somos is committed to protecting consumer trust in telecom, a channel that promises authentic and seamless communication between people, businesses, and all other important organizations.

How much does it cost to get a Toll-Free Number for my business?

The cost is determined in an agreement between you and your Toll-Free Service Provider.

What should I do when I have a complaint related to Toll-Free Services?

If you have a problem with a company providing these services, you should first try to resolve your complaint with the company providing the service or the company billing for the service. If you are unsuccessful in resolving the problem, you may call the FCC at 888-CALL-FCC or visit their website at

What is a Toll-Free Service Provider?

A Toll-Free Service Provider (also known as a Responsible Organization or Resp Org) is any person, company, or organization that manages Toll-Free Numbers in the TFNRegistry™.

What is the FCC’s Role in overseeing Toll-Free communications?

The FCC regulates or sets the rules under which Toll-Free Numbers can be used or obtained. The FCC requires that Toll-Free Numbers be portable, meaning that a subscriber can “port” a number when changing Toll-Free Service Providers. The FCC’s rules designate the criteria for determining the status of each Toll-Free Number, and prohibit “warehousing” and “hoarding” of numbers.

How do I become a Toll-Free Service Provider?

The Toll-Free Service Provider application process was developed to preserve the trust and integrity behind Toll-Free Numbers. It entails an online application process, training, and the successful completion of an exam on Toll-Free Industry practices.

To become a Toll-Free Service Provider follow the 3 steps below:

Step 1: Apply Online Today

Submit an online Service Establishment application and make a one-time deposit. Deposits are returned after one year of prompt payments with Somos. Click here for more information:

Apply Now


Step 2: Train with an Instructor or on your Own

Attend our in-person 5-day TFNRegistry™ class or self-train with materials about Toll-Free standards and advancements.

Our class covers these topics and more:

  • TFNRegistry™ overview
  • General best practices
  • Diagnostic and service maintenance

Click here for a Class Schedule.


Step 3: Take your Test and Certify

After you complete the TFNRegistry™ class, you will be scheduled to take an exam on your knowledge of customer records, number administration, and service provisioning. After you complete and pass this exam, you’ll be certified as a Toll-Free Service Provider.


Why is it called Toll-Free?

Toll-Free Numbers allow callers to reach businesses and/or individuals without being charged for the call. The charge for using a Toll-Free Number is paid by the called party (the Toll-Free Subscriber) instead of the calling party. Calls to Toll-Free Numbers can be routed to any business or personal telephone line.

What are the available Toll-Free Number area codes?

There are 7 Toll-Free area codes: 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, and 833.

Where can I get a list of Toll-Free Service Providers?

Visit this page for a listing of Toll-Free Service Providers.

How can I get a Toll-Free Number?

Any person or company who wants to obtain a Toll-Free Number should contact a Toll-Free Service Provider.  Toll-Free Service Providers have access to the TFNRegistry™ which shows the current status of all Toll-Free Numbers. Unassigned Toll-Free Numbers can be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

How can I get a specific Toll-Free Number (or vanity number) for my business?

A vanity number is a Toll-Free Number that also spells a name such as a person or company. For example, 888-639-2277 spells 888-NEW CARS. Toll-Free Service Providers can help you find available vanity numbers that support your brand, campaign, or message. Visit the Find a Toll-Free Number page for a listing of Toll-Free Service Providers.

If I change my Toll-Free Service Provider, will I have to get a new Toll-Free Number?

You will not need to get a new Toll-Free Number if you change your Toll-Free Service Provider. Number portability means that Toll-Free Subscribers can change providers without having to obtain a new Toll-Free Number.

How do I register for a TFNRegistry™ training class?

Click here to begin the registration process.

How do I become a Toll-Free Service Provider?

The Toll-Free Service Provider application process was developed to preserve the trust and integrity behind Toll-Free Numbers. It entails an online application process, training, and the successful completion of an exam on Toll-Free Industry practices.

To become a Toll-Free Service Provider follow the 3 steps below:

Step 1: Apply Online Today

Submit an online Service Establishment application and make a one-time deposit. Deposits are returned after one year of prompt payments with Somos. Click here for more information:

Apply Now


Step 2: Train with an Instructor or on your Own

Attend our in-person 5-day TFNRegistry™ class or self-train with materials about Toll-Free standards and advancements.

Our class covers these topics and more:

  • TFNRegistry™ overview
  • General best practices
  • Diagnostic and service maintenance

Click here for a Class Schedule.


Step 3: Take your Test and Certify

After you complete the TFNRegistry™ class, you will be scheduled to take an exam on your knowledge of customer records, number administration, and service provisioning. After you complete and pass this exam, you’ll be certified as a Toll-Free Service Provider.


Why should my company become a Toll-Free Service Provider?

Becoming a Toll-Free Service Provider allows your company direct access to the TFNRegistry™ to reserve and maintain your own Toll-Free Number(s). Companies that often choose to become Toll-Free Service Providers are those who provide communications services to their customers or are large-scale users of communications services.

What is the TSSRegistry™?

The TSSRegistry is the centralized database of all text enabled Toll-Free Numbers.

What is a Service Registrar?

A Service Registrar is an organization who is certified to text enable Toll-Free Numbers through the TSSRegistry™. 

Why is the TSSRegistry™ needed?

As with any competitive communications service, it is essential to have an authoritative registry – administered by a neutral entity – to indicate which service provider is associated with each text enabled Toll-Free Number. The TSSRegistry™ also provides routing information so that text messages are directed to the proper Toll-Free Number every time.

How does the TSSRegistry™ interact with the TFNRegistry™?

The TSSRegistry operates independently from the TFNRegistry™ but interacts with it to provide confirmation that Toll-Free Numbers are active before the system accepts a text enablement request. The TSSRegistry also notifies the Resp Org of record when new service enablement requests are made, and the Resp Org will have the opportunity to review the request.

Are there fees associated with the use of the TSSRegistry™?

Yes. Service Registrars receive a monthly invoice from Somos based on a count of text enabled Toll-Free Numbers in the TSSRegistry.  For more details on pricing, click here. If you are accessing the TSSRegistry as a Resp Org to respond to text enablement request notifications, there is no cost.  

Is there a TSSRegistry™ API for Service Registrars?

Yes, an API is available that can help automate the provisioning process. Click here for more details.

How do Resp Orgs respond to pending text enablement request notices?

The Primary Contact of Toll-Free Service Providers (Resp Orgs) have an account in the TSSRegistry™ in order to respond to request notices.  Click here to learn more about responding to pending text enablement requests and the Resp Orgs' role. Additional accounts can be created in the TSSRegistry; please call or text our Help Desk at 844.HEY.SOMOS (844.439.7666), Option 1 if you need assistance creating additional accounts.

Is there a TSSRegistry™ API for Toll-Free Service Providers (Resp Orgs)?

Yes, an API is available that can help automate the review process and provide visibility into text enabled Toll-Free Numbers. Click here for more details.

Can a Toll-Free Service Provider (Resp Org) become a Service Registrar?

Yes, a Toll-Free Service Provider (Resp Org) can become a Service Registrar! Click here to get started or email the TSSRegistry™ team at

How do I access my TSSRegistry™ account for the first time?

To access your TSSRegistry account for the first time, please follow the simple steps outlined below. Step 1: Visit Step 2: Click on Forgot your Password? Step 3: Enter in your Email Address and click Submit. Step 4: If you already have an account established, you will receive an automatically generated password reset email from Somos. Visit to log in with your email address and temporary password. Step 5: Once logged into the Registry, click on Settings and then Profile. Step 6: On the Profile screen, you will have the option to reset your password for permanent use. Click on the Reset Password radio button and enter in (and confirm) your new password. Click Save. Your account has now been activated! Please call or text our Help Desk at 844.HEY.SOMOS (844.439.7666), Option 1 if you need assistance accessing your account.

How do I log into my TSSRegistry™ account?

Visit to log into the TSSRegistry. If this is your first time logging in, please click on the “Forgot your Password” link on the page to reset your password for use.

How do I register to become a certified Service Registrar?

Click here to get started or email the TSSRegistry™ team at

How does the TSSRegistry™ work?

Companies that offer texting on Toll-Free Numbers (whom we call Service Registrars) can set up text enablement for Toll-Free Numbers in the TSSRegistry on behalf of their customers. The TSSRegistry then performs a series of validations to ensure that the integrity of the Toll-Free Number is maintained across all communication types (voice, texting, etc.).  Once the validations are completed and the request is authorized by the Resp Org of record, the TSSRegistry distributes the text routing information to message Routing Database Providers who serve mobile-network operators for message routing.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions about the TSSRegistry™?

We are here to help! Please contact our Help Desk at 844.HEY.SOMOS (844.439.7666), Option 1.

Why is Somos leading the text enabled Toll-Free Numbers effort?

As the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) -appointed administrator in North America, Somos is focused on maintaining the vitality and integrity of all Toll-Free services. Our members include over 479 Toll-Free Service Providers (also known as Responsible Organizations (Resp Orgs)) and have relied on us for over 20 years to provide a reliable and unbiased system that supports number reservation, accurate routing information, and TSSRegistry is the registry for all text enabled Toll-Free Numbers.

What is it going to cost Resp Orgs when their Toll-Free Numbers are text enabled?

There is no cost to the Toll-Free Service Provider (Resp Org), only the Service Registrar.  Service Registrars will pay a monthly fee for each Toll-Free Number entered into the registry. As a Resp Org, you may choose to become a Service Registrar in order to provide both voice and texting service on your Toll-Free Numbers. Learn more about becoming a Service Registrar here

What are the different subscription models for RouteLink®?

RouteLink is available through 3 different subscriber models: Direct Subscriber, Authorized Distributer and Authorized OEM. Contact a RouteLink team member today at to learn more.

What is the monthly subscription fee for the RouteLink® service?

Contact a RouteLink team member today at to learn more about RouteLink's subscription models and pricing.

How do I become a RouteLink® Direct Subscriber?

To become a RouteLink Direct Subscriber, you will need to complete the On-boarding Checklist, review and agree to the RouteLink User Agreement and certify your RouteLink Application Programming Interface (API) implementation. Contact a RouteLink team member today at to get started!

Can I have more than one API connection?

You may acquire additional API connections up to the limit established in the RouteLink® User Agreement. You can acquire additional API clients through your existing RouteLink account.

Can I test the RouteLink® Service before signing up?

Yes, there is a sandbox environment where developers can test the RouteLink API before signing up for the service. Visit to create a sandbox account. Note: The sandbox environment only contains testing data.

How do I access the RouteLink® Service?

How do I access the RouteLink Service? RouteLink is accessible through an Application Programming Interface (API). Access to an API connection to receive RouteLink Toll-Free routing data is granted when you find the right model that fits the best for you. Click here to find the perfect fit!

What is RouteLink®?

RouteLink is a service that provides direct access to authoritative Toll-Free routing data. RouteLink subscribers receive a local copy of Toll-Free routing data from the TFNRegistry™, which is constantly updated in near-real-time through an Application Programming Interface (API) connection.

The local copy of Toll-Free routing data allows companies to access routing data without having to leave their networks – this helps to minimize call setup latency. By having access to Toll-Free routing data through RouteLink, customers can apply their network intelligence, and perform analytics to identify the lowest cost routing alternative between the originating carrier and the terminating carrier, reducing the routing cost for Toll-Free calls.

Who do I contact if I am having trouble accessing RouteLink®?

Our team is here to help! Call or text or Help Desk at 844.HEY.SOMOS (844.439.7666), Option 1 or email us at

Requests & Resources

Service Establishment Application

Click here to establish your Responsible Organization or Service Control Point.

telephone Voice - TFNRegistry
Service Establishment Checklist

Follow this handy checklist to establish a Responsible Organization or Service Control Point.

TFNRegistry™ Functions Tariff

Somos is the holder of the TFNRegistry™ Functions Tariff for the management and administration of Toll-Free Numbers. It's a responsibility we take seriously. 

Somos Portal Website

Access video tutorials, Resp Org documents and more on the Somos Portal Website. Valid login credentials are required to access this resource.

Developer Resources

Follow this link to gain access to current API documentation. Valid login credentials are required to access this resource.

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